An inquest has opened after a young woman was found dead in her room at the hotel where she worked last week.

Katharine Ellen Wright, 22 and born in Worcester, was the assistant manager of the Baron at Bucknell, in Bucknell near Knighton, also known as Baron the Beef. 

She was found unresponsive in the room she took at the business shortly before 9am and emergency services called were unable to revive her. 

Assistant Shropshire coroner Heath Westerman set a date of October 31, 2024 for her full inquest. 

What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

Reporting on inquests is one of the most difficult jobs faced by any journalist, but there are important reasons why local newspapers attend coroner’s court hearings and report on proceedings.

Here we will try and answer some of your questions about what will happen, what can be reported and why.


If you would like any help with bereavement, loss or mental wellbeing, here are some helpline numbers

You can call the Samaritans on 116 123

Papyrus Hopeline on 0800 068 4141

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) on 0800 58 58 58