A feature Welshpool Town Council were determined to keep at Neuadd Maldwyn is reportedly being removed in plans to convert it into an extra care facility.

The new facility at the former council offices in Severn Road is expected to open later this year but town councillors have raised concerns over a specific feature of the building - the front lawn.

At a meeting of the council’s planning committee on Wednesday, July 24, Cllr Phil Pritchard said the lawn was originally part of the agreement for the project but is now being replaced with a pond at the front of the building instead.

“I have serious concerns," he said. "Especially as the development is only a few weeks away from being completed.


“We insisted as a council when planning permission was given was that the front lawn be maintained as it was then. It’s a feature that really made the building stand out and was a key part of its visual aesthetic.

“Powys County Council took note of that and said it would be. Soon after they started the work, I noticed diggers dug it up. I walked onto the site and asked what was going on but was told it would be replaced and the area only being used as temporary storage. That was in 2020.

“By 2022 someone in the council gave permission to not keep the lawn and have a pond there instead to take excess water off the roof.

“It’s against what they agreed at the planning stage because someone at Powys County Council planning department gave permission to not keep the lawn and now it’s a right mess.

“We should make reservations about what they’re doing. They said they would keep the lawn as part of the building’s aesthetic. We should make our observation known to Powys County Council on that matter.”

Kimberly Wright, Welshpool Town Council’s events, planning and marketing officer, told councillors that a front pond that was not in the original plans shown to the town council had at some point been approved by Powys County Council.

Welshpool Town Council agreed to draft a letter voicing their concern, asking why they were allegedly not consulted over the matter.