I live in Knighton which is a forgotten town as far as Powys council are concerned and is rapidly becoming very rundown. Broken seats and tables by the river and children’s play area. 

No money comes to this town from the excessive council tax we pay. Increased by 7.5% this year. When asking why - no answer.

This questionable, sustainable proposal is not in the least sustainable for the people who don’t live in the designated towns and will have to travel to these towns for these services. 


If you happen to have a car and drive there, how is that sustainable for the environment? What will happen to the buildings in these towns that are no longer in use? 

These services presently are a lifeline to people, how can they be taken away. Often people are paying to use them anyway.

I would like to know where all our taxes go - we should all be sent details.

Millions of £s was wasted on the 20mph speed limit and more millions changing most of them back again. How much more of our taxes gets wasted and we don’t hear about it. I’m furious.

Diana Walsh