Police officers will be looking for a man arrested on suspicion of drink driving after he failed to show up in court.

Zak Stocker, 28, is charged with failing to provide officers with a sample of his breath at Newtown Police Station following an incident on July 5.

The Leominster man was due before Welshpool Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, July 23, to enter his pleas to the charges after he was given unconditional bail earlier this month.


But the 28-year-old of Westcroft failed to appear for the plea hearing in court, and an arrest warrant was granted by chairman of the bench Stephen Pembroke following an application made by prosecutor Helen Tench.

The warrant means that, if he's arrested by the police, Stocker would be brought to court.

Failing to provide specimen for analysis as a vehicle driver can result in a maximum sentence of up to six months in prison, an unlimited fine or both.