The 10th Welsh National Tractor Road Run raised £5000 for three charities.

The event, which took place on June 16 in Llanwrtyd Wells, was organised by the Tractor Enthusiasts of the town.

The run drew nearly 200 entries from all across Wales and England.

The tractor enthusiasts went on a 40-mile route, passing through the communities of Cefn Gorwydd, Tirabad, Llangammarch Wells, Garth, Llanafan Fawr, Beulah, Abergwesyn before returning to Llanwrtyd Wells.

The money raised from the event has been donated to Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI), Cancer Research Wales and Llanwrtyd Wells Gardening Club.

Chair of the tractor enthusiasts and route planner, Evan Lewis presented a cheque worth £3500 to Liz Rees, the regional manager of RABI, at a recent event.

However, representatives from Cancer Research Wales were unable to attend.

The cancer charity will receive a donation of £1200.

The organisers decided to help the Llanwrtyd Wells Gardening Club, currently upgrading their town displays, with a contribution of £300.

The total raised for good causes by the Welsh National Tractor Road Run, founded in 2012 by vintage vehicle enthusiasts John and Anne Bates, now stands at more than £50,000.