A young Welshpool farmer has said she has been given “once in a lifetime opportunities” as part of the Royal Welsh’s young leadership programme.

Fflur Roberts, 23, was one of 12 young farmers picked for the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s Rural Leadership programme this year which looks to build “future leaders in agriculture”.

Fflur who grew up and lives on a farm in Llangadfan said that farming has always been the main focus in her life.

“I am currently an agricultural lecturer at Walford College,” said Fflur. “I live on a mixed farm, I was fortunate enough to be selected for the Royal Welsh rural leadership programme.

“Agriculture has always been in the family, I’ve always been passionate.

“Getting on board with a programme like this has been really worth while in expanding my knowledge and my connections and getting me to where I want to be.”


The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society have said they designed the programme to be “an action-packed course of training, mentoring, support and guidance over three intense sessions.”

Fflur has a record of success before this being awarded the RWAS Student of the Year in 2019 and the Best Overall Agriculture Student at NPTC Group before going on to  work in New Zealand and Australia however she said the programme has already allowed to have opportunities that would never have been open to her otherwise.

(Image: NQ)

 “Out of the experiences I managed to go to the agriculture commonwealth conference which has been an incredible and a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Fflur. “They have then given us an invite to the one in south Africa in two years’ time.”

“I’m hoping to gain some leadership skills but also a lot more knowledge by networking with like-minded people in the agricultural industry

“So far it has been really good but I would definitely encourage other people of any age to apply.”