Eluned Morgan has launched her campaign for Welsh First Minister at the Royal Welsh Show.

Ms Morgan has launched her campaign to replace Vaughan Gething as Welsh First Minister and leader of the Labour party in Wales.

Ms Morgan announced the news this afternoon (July 22) at the first day of the Royal Welsh Show. Ms Morgan will be running with Huw Irranca Davies.

“We do belong to the great Welsh labour radical tradition, which has shaped our party and th country since devolution,” said Ms Morgan.

“I am confident we have support form across the party and across the labour movement, including our trade union colleagues and local authority representatives.”


Ms Morgan has served as the Health Secretary in Wales in recent years and has put her hat in the ring to replace the outgoing Vaughan Gething who resigned after a series of scandals which led to a vote of no confidence in the Senedd and the resignation of multiple Welsh ministers.

“If elected as the next Welsh Labour leader, it is clear we need to learn lessons form recent weeks,” said Ms Morgan. “We will need to listen to our party and to the people of Wales.

“We have just celebrated 25 years of devolution it is high time for a woman to become Welsh Labour’s first female leader.

“We are launching our campaign here at the Royal Welsh Show in the heart of rural Wales. We have never had a First Minister who has represented a rural constituency.

“Throughout my life I have been sustained by my faith and my family. I grew up in the largest council estate in Europe. My belief in a better life was tested by the intensity of poverty and the absence of a home.”