Post Office customers living in rural communities along the Powys border have been told that the opening times to a mobile service will change from early next month.

It follows the resignation of a village postmaster who has decided not to continue running a mobile and home service from Monday, August 5, due to low customer use.

The Post Office said there will be some changes to the current services offered by the Cleobury North mobile van to deal with the closures at Clunton, Clunbury and Aston Muslow.

It means that opening times for the mobile van visiting villages such as Newcastle-on-Clun, Lydbury North and Aston Clun will change from August 5.


The mobile van will now visit Newcastle-on-Clun community centre from 12pm to 12.30pm on Mondays instead of Wednesdays and move on to park opposite the community shop in Lydbury North from 1pm to 2pm on Mondays, instead of Wednesdays.

The Aston-on-Clun service will visit the village from 1pm to 2pm on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.

In a letter to customers about the unplanned service closures, Kulwant Dosanjh, network provision lead at the Post Office, said: "We apologise for the inconvenience the closures may cause.

“We hope that our customers will continue to use Post Office services from any convenient branch."