A WELSHPOOL man’s crush on a friend’s former girlfriend developed into an infatuation and has resulted in a restraining order.

David Morgan became obsessed with the woman between May and November 2023, even getting banned from the pub she works at and repeatedly showing up at her home.

The 28-year-old sent her messages via social media and would comment on her physical appearance, despite the victim explaining to him that she did not want a relationship with him.

Morgan, of Brook Terrace, Welshpool, was sentenced at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, July 16, having admitted one charge of stalking in June.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson said Morgan had made approaches to the victim as early as mid-2020 after adding her as a friend on Facebook.

“The victim knows the defendant as he is a friend of her ex-partner,” said Ms Jackson.

“He made approaches, she said she was not interested at all in him that way. He would send her heart and peach emojis and made sexually suggestive remarks.


“He created two different accounts and she blocked him. There were numerous messages over many months. She has never been in any sort of relationship with him.

“In June 2022 he sent his last messages. He messaged her on TikTok too. She replied asking him to stop pestering her.

“She works on a market stall and at the Wellington pub. She says he would turn up whenever she was there from July or August 2023, with other people, but he would not say anything, just stare.”

Ms Jackson said more recently Morgan turned up at her home address.

“Neighbours have seen a male jumping up and looking over her 6ft high rear wall,” said Ms Jackson.

“He is just not getting the message. She has installed CCTV at home and he has been banned from the pub. She has a new partner now but that doesn’t seem to have deterred Mr Morgan.”

In a victim impact statement she said: “I take taxis everywhere as I’m terrified of walking around town and bumping into him. I feel like a prisoner in my own home.”

Morgan initially denied any wrongdoing, but did admit everything later in police interview.

He previously also admitted a charge of failing to surrender to bail after initially failing to show up for his original court appearance.

“He has two previous offences, one of which is a sexual offence,” added Ms Jackson.

Gurleen Kaur, representing Morgan, said her client was “fuelled by his infatuation”.

“He developed a crush on her, he admits the interest was not reciprocated,” said Ms Kaur.

“He is embarrassed by this and remorseful. Since the police intervention he has not contacted her or attempted to.”

County Times:

Ms Kaur said Morgan acted as the sole carer for his mother who has MS.

Magistrates handed Morgan an 18-month community order, which will include 25 rehabilitation activity days and a necessity to take part in a stalking programme, and attend Kaleidoscope.

He was also fined £200 and must pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs, as well as a £40 fine for failing to surrender.

A restraining order will last for two years.