Criticism is growing over plans by the council that could potentially reduce services outside of four Powys towns.

James Evans MS has joined the criticism of Powys County Council’s “Sustainable Powys" scheme which would see services centred on Welshpool, Newtown, Llandrindod Wells and Brecon.

Mr Evans has joined Councillor Beverley Baynham in hitting out at the plan, saying it would likely lead to public services including leisure centres being stripped from smaller towns across Powys.


Mr Evans said he was “horrified” by the proposal and said the idea put “unrealistic” expectations on residents.

“The Lib Dem/Labour run Council should think hard about its priorities for Powys,” said Mr Evans. 

“Residents are paying higher and higher Council Tax bills and receiving less and less services in return.  Many constituents question what they get for their Council Tax.

“It is unrealistic for residents to travel up to an hour to access leisure services. Schools will bear the brunt of increased costs to transport children to swimming pools further afield, placing yet more pressure on already squeezed budgets and transport time taking up valuable classroom time.

(Image: NQ)

“I urge each and every community to stand up and fight to keep what little services we have in our towns.

“Pressure needs to be put to bear on the Lib Dem and Labour County Councillors, as they are the ones making decisions that will decimate many communities”. 

Director of corporate services at Powys County Council, Jane Thomas said the council has already cut £100 million from its budget “due to austerity” over the last decade.

Ms Thomas reported that there would be a budget shortfall next year of £18 million which could rise to £64 million by 2028/2029 if “nothing is done” and that the plans was the best way for the council to remain solvent.

Leader of Powys County Council, Cllr Gibson-Watt said that the aim was to avoid bankruptcy like Birmingham City Council “where commissioners have been swinging the financial scythe in no uncertain terms” adding “if we do nothing it would be catastrophic.”