AN emergency meeting has been called in a “last ditch” attempt to save a Powys village’s community centre from closing.

Crossgates Community Centre has run successfully for the residents of the village, near Llandrindod Wells, for two decades. But, following a stagnant period during and since the pandemic and a decline in committee members and trustees, there are real fears the centre will be forced to shut.

The management committee, which currently numbers just four people, say they are desperate for new blood, with a public meeting being organised for the end of this month in a bid to attract more volunteers.

“There is an existential threat to Crossgates Community Centre,” said Les Nettleton, acting secretary of Llanbadarn Fawr and District Community Centre Association.


The emergency meeting will be held at the centre on Wednesday, July 31, at 7pm.

Crossgates Community Centre is based in the old primary school building in Crossgates and was established under the Village Hall Scheme in the early 2000's.

Run by the management committee with input from local residents, it has run successfully for the last 20 years, but recently it’s been harder for the small band of helpers.

“The recruitment of committee members has become very difficult and the numbers of trustees has declined rapidly,” said Les.

“Covid closed the centre for nine months and this had a negative effect.

“Management lay in the hands of only four active people after the Annual General Meeting of 2023 and the year was one made up of crisis after crisis. 

“At the 2024 AGM no volunteers could be found so as a last ditch measure to try to keep this centre open a public meeting has been called.”

Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) officers will facilitate the meeting to avoid possible conflicts of interest.

“Sadly, due to ill health and relocations, the committee has dwindled to the point where unless new members are recruited as a matter of urgency the centre will close,” said Caroline Phillips, who attended the recent AGM.

(Image: NQ)

“It could and would be used much more with a good local management committee at the helm.

“Covid was a setback to all but unfortunately there had been a couple of years poor management prior to Covid and since then some other problems (became) serious enough to force it to close for a few weeks.

“It is now up and ready to go but needs a younger management team.”

Committee member Karen Sherwood added: “The community centre is in desperate need of volunteers.

“The centre is going to have to close if we fail to get a committee together. We lack trustees and really need to find some people that will help keep it up and running.

“This centre is an asset to the village and in the past has had many functions. We could do with some new, young blood, so come along to (the) meeting or send me a message.”

If you can help, if you have an idea for a local club that could call the centre home, or if would like to attend the meeting or find out more, contact Louise Hardwick via email at or Les at