Welshpool town centre has welcomed dozens of businesses to its streets as the continental market has returned.

While many across the area had the general election on their kind, those who ventured to Welshpool’s town hall to cast their vote had a much more savoury smelling route to cast their vote than most other people in the country.

A year after the first event in 2023, Welshpool’s continental market returned on Thursday, July 4, and will still be around during the weekend, wrapping up on Sunday, July 7.


The market featured several stalls, including some who made an appearance at the previous market, as well as several new ones. They offered a variety of food and crafts for anyone visiting the town centre.

(Image: Josh Price)

(Image: Josh Price)

Welshpool’s Deputy Mayor, Cllr David France added: "I was delighted to see the Continental Market bring its vibrancy back to the High Street.

“And due to the previous Prime Minister calling a General Election when he did, it just so happened that the market was there to provide refreshments to many of the Welshpool's voters.

“On a more serious note, I'd like to voice some gratitude to the Town Council staff for all their hard work helping to bring events like this to the town."

The event was organised by Market Place Europe, who specialise in arranging large scale markets across towns throughout the continent, alongside Welshpool Town Council.  

Market Place Europe was founded in 2004 by Allan Hartwell and Ian Hill, serving as a union of independent businesses that deliver market services to towns and cities across the continent.

(Image: Josh Price)

(Image: Josh Price)

After the inaugural event in Welshpool, Mr Hartwell said: “Welshpool and its town council have been wonderful to work with, a very responsive and welcoming community.

“We’re very confident about Welshpool in terms of what a market like this can do for the town, both for the stalls and visiting businesses but also the existing shopkeepers on its high street, who have all been very welcoming.”

On the market’s first two days, a spokesperson for the council added: “Thank you to Market Place Europe for another successful continental market event. It’s great to see it returning to Welshpool High Street, with lots of different stalls something to cater for everyone's tastes. It's here until Sunday July 7, so come down and enjoy.”