ARREST warrants have been issued for two Romanian men after they again failed to show up for court in relation to two charges of theft from separate locations in Powys.

Gheorghita Moscaloiu and Alexandru Cioina are jointly charged with stealing four car wheels, valued at £800, from an address on Afon Way, Llandrindod Wells, on December 17, 2022.

Both men are also accused of stealing an amount of window related parts, of a value unknown, from an address in Broad Street, Knighton, on the same day.

The case came before Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court two weeks ago, when it was adjourned.

The court was told that Moscaloiu, 25, of Starbank Road, Birmingham, on the previous occasion had not received a court summons as it had been sent to the wrong address.

In relation to Cioina, 23, the court was told he is now back in Romania, having returned home shortly after these dates.

Prosecutor James Sprunks applied for warrants without bail for both defendants, which were granted by the bench.