Vandals have reportedly targeted trees on the Gregynog estate near Newtown by hacking and removing bark.

An image shared by the charitable trust that runs Gregynog shows a large segment of the bark surrounding the birch tree trunk has been removed.

Gregynog added that the vandalised tree "will almost certainly die" and other nearby trees have been hacked at.

In a post shared on social media, Gregynog pleaded that people stop damaging the trees on the historic estate on the outskirts of Tregynon village.

Picture shared of the vandalism

"This is not OK! Over the weekend someone has removed the bark from one of the birch trees at Gregynog on our main drive.

"Over the past few weeks we have removed several rope swings, wooden blocks screwed into trees, and left ramps and jumps on our footpaths.

"These are regularly used tracks in a National Nature Reserve.

"The vandalised tree will almost certainly die. Others nearby have also been hacked at.

"We have the rather high spec spade with which the damage was done.

"Gregynog is run by a charity and our grounds are open for everyone to enjoy but this is very distressing. It needs to stop."


Commenting on social media, one person said the damage was "deliberate".

"I found the tree with the shovel at the foot of it and the stripped bark scattered all around and huge gouges at the root. 

"It was brutal, and the damage extends to about 6’ above the ground. It had happened between about 8.30 am and 11.00, the beginning of our walk and our return that way. It really was a shocking sight."

Another described the damage as "utterly mindless sabotage of the wonder of nature. People are despicable for behaving like this".

Dyfed-Powys Police has been contacted for more information.