In February 2022 several houses in Llandinam including my mothers flooded due to high levels in the river Severn.

Subsequent to this a public meeting was called in the village hall by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to inform Llandinam residents what that organisation intended to do to alleviate flooding in Llandinam.

The details of this scheme which applies to just over half a mile of river have now been made public.
a) Creating additional river channels to slow the river flow. 

The river has already done this without the assistance of NWR and slowing the river flow must raise river levels therefore increasing the flood risk.


b) Installation of large wood into the channels to reduce erosion’ quite how this prevents floods or is a ‘natural ‘ process  is not explained so no flood prevention!

The cost of this inspired scheme is approximately one million pounds of public money from the South Wales Government and has I believe been thought up by highly qualified and no doubt highly paid experts to justify their existence and persuade the South Wales Government to invest public money in yet another vanity project, of course as we live in a one party state we should expect nothing less, this is what one party states worldwide do!

This is a shameful waste of public money at a time when education, health and child poverty have, since devolution, fallen behind England and the South Wales Government blame lack of funds from Westminster for this situation.

On a different subject an extensive study of the history of mankind will not reveal any issue or problem which would have been solved or aided by more politicians, indeed the opposite may well be true.
Roger Higgs, Llandinam