A TEENAGE father was congratulated on the birth of his new son by magistrates this week, before being told he must now be a good example to him and stay out of trouble.

Cameron Deegan, 18, appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, June 25, where he admitted two charges of drug driving.

Deegan, of the Salop Road area of Welshpool, had both cannabis and cocaine in his system when he was stopped by police riding a moped in Welshpool on December 16 last year.

“A PCSO saw the defendant riding a moped, before parking in Tesco,” said prosecutor Gareth Parry.

“The officer went to speak to him, saying they were not sure of the class of his licence. She suspected he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


“An alcohol test was negative, but a drug swipe was positive for both cannabis and cocaine.”

Deegan was found to have 4.5 micrograms of cannabis in his blood (the legal limit is 2) and 60 micrograms of Benzoylecgonine (BZE), a compound of cocaine (the legal limit is 50).

Owain Jones, acting for Deegan, said this offence pre-dated his client’s only other previous conviction, which was for failing to provide a sample.

“The drugs were in his system from the night before,” said Mr Jones.

“There was no evidence of bad driving but it is aggravated by the fact that there are two drugs in his system.

“He was in court recently and given a community order. His previous conviction is for failure to provide; he did so because he knew he had this matter pending.

“He has only just turned 18 and is also complying with a youth rehabilitation order.

“He and his partner have just had a baby, which is 5-days-old. He is eager to be there for the child. He is hard at work as a labourer.”

Probation officer Julian Davies said the youth order was from October 2023 and handed to Deegan for a charge of robbery. He said Deegan was given unpaid work for that, as well as the failing to provide charge, of which he has 17 ¾ hours left to complete.

County Times:

“He works with (drug and alcohol charity) Kaleidoscope, but there is no formal supervision. His son is a significant focus for him,” said Mr Davies.

Dr Rachael Jones, chair of the bench, told Deegan: “Congratulations on the new baby. But you’ve got to be a good example now for him, he’s got to have a good life.”

Magistrates revoked the two previous orders and handed Deegan a new 12-month community order, which includes 10 rehabilitation days.

He was also fined £200 and told to pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs. He was banned from driving for 17 months.