The mating pair of Ospreys at the Dyfi Osprey project have hatched a trio of chicks, which have now been named and ringed by the project.

Telyn and Idris, the longest mating pair of birds in the history of the Dyfi Osprey Project, are currently raising their fifth clutch of chicks at the project.

The chicks, which hatched at the end of May, have now been named, rings and weighed, with the project finding that the 2024 arrivals are the are the biggest chicks we've ever recorded at this nest.

As usual, the chicks have been named after Welsh rivers and lakes, with people submitting a number of potential names to the project via social media.


Having ringed the chicks on Monday, June 24, the project went with the names Coron, Gwenlais and Senni.

After weighing them, the project team revealed that Coron was the largest chick ever recorded at the site with a weight of 2005g, just beating Gwenlais, the second largest chick in the project’s history at 1935g. The third chick, Senni at 1545g, is also the third largest male chick ever recorded in Dyfi.

In speculating on why these clutch are the largest ever, Dyfi Projects Manager Emyr Evans said: “The first reason is parenting. Telyn and Idris are now an established pair and experienced parents. This leads to more successful parenting with less mistakes.

“The second is weather. I've mentioned a few times we've had Goldilocks weather again this year. No extremes, no summer storms, not too hot, just right. Goldilocks weather is conducive to prey availability and optimal chick growth.

“We've also seen more trout than in any other season so far in 2024. Brown and sea trout contain more calories per unit weight than the usual staple at this nest, mullet and flounder. And we all know what happens if you consume a lot of calories.”

In a blog on the ringing process, he added: “Immense thanks to Tony Cross for ringing our chicks again this year and also to Naomi (trainee ringer) and Dulcie our People Engagement Officer.

“The guys at Dyfed CCTV also deserve a warm round of applause - they successfully fixed our microphones in record time under the nest while we were ringing the chicks. Diolch Joe, Gary and Elliott.”