The Met Police have announced they will be investigating a “small number of figures” related to the Westminster gambling scandal.

The force have confirmed that they will be taking the lead on a “small number of cases” in relation to other offences including misconduct in public office.

A spokesperson for the force confirmed that they would not be taking over the investigation into the bets themselves and that it would remain a matter for the Gambling Commission


A Met Police spokesperson said: “The Met is not taking over the investigation into bets on the timing of the General Election.

“The Gambling Commission will continue to lead the investigation into cases where the alleged offending is limited to breaches of the Gambling Act only.

“Met detectives will lead on investigating a small number of cases to assess whether the alleged offending goes beyond Gambling Act offences to include others, such as misconduct in public office.

“We will provide further information tomorrow.”

The scandal began when then Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire, Craig Williams was found to be under investigation for an alleged bet on the date of the general election whilst serving as the Parliamentary Private Secretary to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Since then other senior Conservative figures have been found to be under investigation including the party’s campaign director Tony Lee and his wife the candidate for Bristol North West Laura Saunders.

Then this week it was announced that Mr Williams had lost the support of the Conservative Party in the upcoming election after an internal investigation.

Hours later close political ally in Montgomeryshire Russell George MS was under investigation by the Commission leading to him taking a step back from his role as Shadow Health Secretary in the Senedd.

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Mr Williams has vowed to continue competing in the election and said: “I committed an error of judgement – not an offence – and I want to reiterate my apology directly to you.

“I am fully co-operating with the routine enquiries with the Gambling Commission and I intend to clear my name.”

Whilst Mr George said: “Whilst I will co-operate fully with the Gambling Commission, it would not be appropriate to comment on this independent and confidential process.

“Doing so would only jeopardise and undermine the investigation. It is the Gambling Commission, not the media, that has the responsibility, powers and resources to properly investigate these matters and determine what, if any, action should be taken.

“I have stepped back from the shadow cabinet while the investigation is ongoing. I have done this as I do not wish to be an unnecessary distraction to their work.”