A POWYS man has been praised for making positive changes to his life after having a court order extended.

Jack Evans, 29, appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, June 18, where he admitted breaching the terms of a community order handed down in January.

Evans admitted failing to comply with the requirements of the order by failing to attend unpaid work on January 20 and May 4.

Probation officer Julian Davies said the order was made for 12 months and included 120 hours of unpaid work, 58 of which Evans has completed.


“He missed unpaid work on two occasions and a breach letter was issued,” said Mr Davies.

“His compliance has been acceptable but he had issues due to employment and childcare. He has made positive changes to his life, including securing employment.”

The defendant, of Caerhowel Mews, Caerhowel, Montgomery, said: “I had a knock on the head so had been getting really bad headaches. It was totally my fault and unacceptable.”

Magistrates added five rehabilitation days to the order and told Evans to pay £60 costs.