County Times Readers have had their say on Conservative candidate Craig Williams losing the support of the party due to the growing betting scandal.

Mr Williams is currently under investigation by the Gambling Commission over an alleged bet on the date of the election when he was working directly for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Reader Richard Noyce said: “How can the former MP for Montgomeryshire even think about trying to talk his way out of his 'huge error of judgement'?

“The scale of his error of judgement should have led to him voluntarily withdrawing from the election.

“Anything else is morally repugnant and decidedly unethical.”


Marc Hughes added: “So after a week of Rishi Sunak repeatedly insisting he couldn't possibly take any action while the Gambling Commission investigation is ongoing, he's forced into taking action anyway.”

Some were more sympathetic to Mr Williams such as Richard Carter who said: “As much as it kills me to say but why would you turn your back on your own, this just shows how spineless the governments are over something petty.”

Dean Gill agreed and said: “Everyone makes mistakes in life , Craig Williams has made one big one.

“But it's done with now, it will get sorted in the appropriate way so he needs to be left alone now as he has a family like everyone else.”

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However, many more appear to be unimpressed with the allegations.

Roy Mcgurn added: "Hubris. What Craig did was just plain dumb. He’s long odds now anyhow.”

Christian Vale agreed and simply said: “Afraid he has blown it with his foolhardiness.”