The head of Ysgol Bro Caereinion has said he is “pleased” with the school’s Estyn report, describing it as a “welcoming school”.

With Estyn publishing its full report on a four-day inspection carried out at the Llanfair Caereinion school in April 2024, Ysgol Bro Caereinion has welcomed the report’s findings.

Describing it as “a welcoming school community where pupils are treated with respect” the report also said that “nearly all pupils behave very well in lessons and around the school buildings” and that “most staff have positive working relationships with pupils”.

Huw Lloyd–Jones, Head of Ysgol Bro Caereinion said, “We welcome the findings of this report. I am pleased that the inspection team found Ysgol Bro Caereinon providing a high level of support and guidance for its pupils underpinned by a warm and caring ethos.”


“For a school that has only recently been operating as an all-age school, it is heartening that Estyn recognises the many strengths of Ysgol Bro Caereinion, in particular around pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning and wellbeing.”

In an overview of the school’s two phases, the Estyn Report said: “In the primary phase, pupils develop a wide range of skills and make consistent progress. As a result, most pupils apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills successfully in their work across of the curriculum by the end of Year 6.

“In the secondary phase, pupils receive suitable opportunities to apply their literacy, numeracy and digital skills in lessons. However, such opportunities are not delivered strategically enough for pupils to develop their skills progressively over time.”

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Inspectors praised the school’s approach to supporting pupils’ emotional, physical, mental health and wellbeing, highlighting its support for Additional Learning Needs (ALN) is a particular strength of the school.

The report added: “Staff understand pupils’ barriers to success well and pupils benefit from helpful interventions for their academic and social needs.”

The report also made a number of recommendations to the school, including addressing “safeguarding issues” that were raised during the inspection, ensuring the school leaders operate strategically, strengthen improvement planning and improve the provision for the progressive development of pupils’ skills.

Cllr Gareth Jones, Chair of Ysgol Bro Caereinion Governors said: “The school is already acting on the recommendations identified by Estyn and we are already working with stakeholders to address all, including the safeguarding issues relating to the safety of site.”