Craig Williams has vowed to continue his fight for the new Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr in parliament after the Conservative Party pulled its support.

The party withdrew its support for both Mr Williams and Bristol candidate Laura Saunders after the Gambling Commission launched an investigation into an allegations of betting on the election.

According to reports the bet was made in the days running up to the election while Mr Williams was working as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rishi Sunak.

Now, however, Mr Williams has said that he will continue to fight for the seat, which is a new one replacing the Montgomeryshire constituency he has represented since 2019.

“I remain on the ballot paper on July 4 and I hope to secure your support after years of delivery,” said Mr Williams in the video posted to social media.

“I committed and error of judgement – not an offence – and I want to reiterate my apology directly to you.

“I am fully co-operating with the routine enquiries with the Gambling Commission and I intend to clear my name.

“In all these things due process is important and that is what sets the UK apart form other countries and the Commission must be allowed to do its work.”


Since news broke of the investigation into Mr Williams, further probes have been revealed into a number of police officers and senior Conservative party officials.

However Mr Williams said he hoped that his record as an MP would be considered when people went to the polls next week.

“It has been a privilege for me to be a member of parliament in the constituency where I was born raised and now live with my young family,” said Mr Williams.

“I have been working hard helping thousands of constituents with our team form everything form benefits to housing, from potholes to energy bills as well as securing unprecedented investment in our local businesses, communities and high streets.

“Finally sticking up for farmers because without farmers there is no food and without food there is no future.

“For now thought the most important thing I want to say to you today is I am committed to my campaign to be elected as your member of parliament and staunch champion.

“Finally a huge thank you for everyone who has reached out, comes up to the office and still lends me your support this week and today. It’s now over to you the electorate of Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr, it is your decision.”

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Mr Williams has also received the backing of Montgomeryshire MS, Russell George who said that Mr Williams was “innocent until proven guilty”.

“Craig Williams will be on the ballot paper as the Welsh Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire & Glyndwr, and I am encouraging people to vote for Craig.

“Unlike other politicians, Craig has apologised for his error of judgement and, while the national party has withdrawn support, there has been no offence. We should allow the independent process to take place.

“It may seem old fashioned, but I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

“Craig has been an outstanding MP over the past five years and has secured millions of pounds of UK Government funding for our local area. Therefore, he has my full support and that is why I am encouraging people to vote for Craig Williams at the ballot box next Thursday.”