The son of a man who saved a seven-year-old boy from drowning in the Welshpool canal is appealing for him to get in touch.

Fifty years after William Smith saved seven-year-old Neil Pritchard from drowning in the Welshpool canal, his son is hoping to find out what became of the young lad in the years since.

William’s son Trevor Smith, who currently lives in Oswestry, remembered the event when he saw the photo of his father and Neil in this article featuring some photos in Powys from 1974.

Having lost contact with Neil and his family, Trevor said he thought it would be a good idea to reach out in case there was any way of getting in touch or if anyone knew what became of the young boy after his father saved him.


He said: “I wasn’t living at home at the time but I can still recall the incident from everything I was told about it in the days and weeks after.

“We lived in a cottage alongside the canal and my father spotted a boy who had either fallen into the canal or strayed too far into the deeper end of the waterway.

“After spotting him and could see he was struggling to swim and get to safety, my father waded out to where he was and pulled him out of the canal, likely saving him from drowning.

“It was reported in the County Times at the time, but afterwards we didn’t keep in touch with the boy or his family.

“My father passed away a few years ago so he’s been on my mind, he worked as a postman and was better known as Bill to the people he delivered to. But seeing the picture again all these years made me recall that specific day and start wondering what became of the young lad he saved.”

“I would love to contact him, even if it's just a phone call.”

Trevor is appealing for Neil himself, anyone who knows him or anyone with information on him to get in touch via email at or via phone on 01691238710.