A BROKEN toe, broken and dislocated fingers and even the chicken pox have been unable to prevent one dedicated Powys teenager from missing a single day of school in his entire life.

Cameron Hopes-Steele, 16, has just finished high school in Llanidloes – where he went five whole years without missing a day.

Even more impressive, Cameron went through eight years of primary school in Rhayader and never had a day off because of a tummy bug or catching something, as youngsters so often tend to do.

That’s 13 years of 100 per cent attendance, which has led to beaming mum Claire Steele wanting to highlight the youngster… yet again.


Cameron first appeared in the County Times back in August 2019, after Claire contacted us to reveal her son’s eight years without an absence.

“He was in the paper for being the only known pupil to complete primary school with 100 per cent attendance,” said Claire.

“He has just finished high school and managed to continue his streak.

“Cameron is honestly such a sweet lad and he makes me so proud. We can't find any other child who has achieved this and I think that makes him even more amazing.

“He was embarrassed when he made the paper five years ago and now I hope he gets even more embarrassed.”

After finishing Rhayader Primary School in the summer of 2019, it was off to Llanidloes High School for maths whizz Cameron, who was presented with the Dr John Buchan trophy for mathematics, named after the local Rhayader doctor and crime fiction author.

He was also presented with a mobile phone by the school in 2019 as a leaving present to mark the remarkable achievement, after a search of the records failed to find anyone else having equalled his 100 per cent record.

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And it’s not as if his glowing record of attendance has been easy, either. “He broke his toe one morning before walking to primary school but didn't tell me until the end of the day because he knew I'd have taken him to the hospital,” said Claire, whose son started at Rhayader Primary School months before his fourth birthday.

“He broke one finger and dislocated another playing rugby but toughed it out until Saturday so he wouldn't have to miss school.

“He was lucky to have the chicken pox during the summer holidays. Cameron did two years in reception then years one to six. So, eight full years for primary school. Then five years in Llanidloes High School.”

Cameron turned 16 in December and has just been accepted for a mechanics apprenticeship in Rhayader. He will be starting Newtown College in September.

Before that, he can enjoy his summer and look forward to a maiden family trip, to Greece.

Claire added: “We are finally having our first family holiday this year, because Cam never wanted to miss school and it was too expensive to go in the holidays. So, Greece, here we come.”