I am writing to convey my congratulations to all who were involved in organising Newtown Carnival.

I know the committee are a very small number of people – approximately seven looking in the programme – and I know most of them are in their advancing years of age.

It must take a lot of hard work and commitment throughout the year to ensure that everything runs so smoothly, let alone the costs.

I did hear that they needed to raise £3,000 to put on the vent this year. I do hope that everyone who attended gave just £1 into the collection buckets as there were mote than 3,000 people, surely.

It was fantastic to see so many children and members of the community join together to support this historic local event, which I believe has been going (except for Covid) for more than 150 years.

Fair play to the committee who took the hard decision last year to postpone and faced a lot of negative criticism and waited to come back this year as I feel it was bigger and better than I have seen for a very long time. 

All of the lorries looked great and nice to see some of the local groups as well as schools participating, and Newtown Carnival queen lorry was superb and stunning.

I was surprised not to see any collection buckets on the Sunday as this could have raised a little more for them as I know the late, great Phil Watkins who worked tirelessly to bring the band competition back wanted it to be in conjunction with the carnival, the two things he was passionate about.

I just hope next year they get more help with funding from the local council etc as look at the footfall that came to the area and money spent in the town. More entrants in the parade, and more appreciation and recognition from the community for all their hard work.

I know that I will continue to support this much-loved traditional and community event. Bring on Carnival 2025, you have done Newtown proud.

Morgan Williams