A new 5k Your Way: Move against cancer charity is coming to Builth Wells this month.

The Builth Wells 5K Your Way: Move Against Cancer group is set to launch on Saturday, June 29.

A team of dedicated volunteers have been fundraising and creating an official 5k Your Way (5KYW) group to run alongside Groe Parkrun, a local favourite, on the last Saturday of every month.

The initiative is a project of the Move Against Cancer Charity and aims to create a supportive community for those affected by cancer, to build friendships and confidence through gentle physical activity.

The volunteer ambassadors for the new groups have said: "The 5k Your Way initiative is a support group with a difference, open to anyone impacted by cancer: people living with or beyond cancer, health care professionals, family and friends, people that have lost someone to cancer… anyone.

"We are excited to have set this up to run alongside the existing Groe Parkrun and all those who would like to join us will be encouraged to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer and can do as much or as little as they want.

"We look forward to welcoming you all to join us at 9am on the last Saturday of every month."

Exercise is crucial for those diagnosed with cancer to enhance well-being and improve health outcomes, both during and after treatment.

Move Against Cancer Charity co-founder and oncologist Lucy Gossage confirmed: "Exercise is arguably the most under-used ‘wonder drug’ in the NHS.

"For those living with and beyond cancer, there is persuasive and accumulating evidence that exercise and physical activity during and after cancer has a multitude of benefits; improved physical and psychological well-being; reduced treatment side effects; decreased cancer-related tiredness enhanced self-esteem; even prolonged survival."

To be a part of the 5KYW, individuals need to register for the Parkrun, a free one-time registration by visiting https://www.parkrun.org.uk/register/.

Interested individuals can then join the 5KYW group to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer on : https://www.moveagainstcancer.org/.

For more details about Move Against Cancer Charity and the 5KYW groups, visit https://www.moveagainstcancer.org/ or follow the Groe Builth Wells 5K Your Way group on Facebook.