A Powys independent store owner has seen off competition from across the UK and Ireland to win an award from one of Europe’s biggest employers’ associations.

Trudy Davies, owner of Woosnam & Davies News, in Llanidloes, clinched the title of Convenience Store of the Year (Independent) at the 2024 Fed Awards on June 18.

The event was held at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in Birmingham with impressionist Rory Bremner as the host.

The Federation of Independent Retailers (The Fed) is a not-for-profit body with more than 10,000 members scattered across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

On winning the award Ms Davies said: "I’m absolutely amazed that I’ve got the award.

"I considered myself honoured just to be one of the finalists.

"To be announced onto the stage was an amazing experience and I’m so pleased and honoured to receive the award and take it back to my little home town of just 2,500 people.

"Although we are only small, the people have hearts of gold and I’m so proud of my community."

The judges commented: "Trudy embraces everything a top independent retailer should be doing to support and champion her local community.

"She drives the sustainability agenda whilst always keeping her costs as low as possible for her customers.

"Many of her customers say coming to Woosnam & Davies News is like popping into a friend’s for a chat - a reputation to really be proud of."