Welshpool Town Council is trying to get to the bottom of a lack of playparks in one of the town’s estates.

After the issue of a lack of playparks in the area of the Oldford estate was raised at a meeting of the council’s services and property committee, councillors discussed who would be responsible for supplying a play area for the estate.

Members now plan to meet with housing group Clwyd Alyn to discuss the issue, and believe the housing association may be responsible for providing a play area. 

Cllr Phil Pritchard raised the issue at the meeting, held on June 19, saying: “I want this council to support the view that we treat Oldford as any other area of the town, negotiate with the landowner to lease a piece of land for a play area.

"We have leases for those provisions, I’d like to see it done and know why it’s being treated differently.”

Councillors discussed whether or not it was the town council’s responsibility to build or maintain new playparks within the area, or if the provision was in the hands of another group.


Cllr Nick Howells added: “Myself and Phil were at the Oldford residents association.

"They explained that over many years the tenants association spent £46,00 installing the major playgrounds.

"When they went back into the hands of Clwyd Alyn they were deemed unsafe by an inspection and closed off.”

Cllr Morag Bailey said: “When Oldford transferred to Clwyd Alyn there was a requirement that they provide a playpark.

“One of the reasons they abandoned it would likely be because of damage and vandalism. We know with all playgrounds that’s a cost.

"I’d like to ask Cllr Pritchard where he thinks the money for all of it will cost when the tenants of Oldford have been paying for that all along and probably still are. They’re not likely to have got a reduction in their rent for the lack of a playpark.”

Cllr Bailey also argued that the council would be better off looking at the original deed of transfer to see if any agreement was made between Oldford residents and Clwyd Alyn to see if the housing association was required to maintain the area’s playparks.

Councillors agreed to arrange a meeting with the association to try and better understand the situation.

Town mayor Cllr Phil Owen added: “It’s vital for this meeting that we arm ourselves with the relevant documents beforehand, so we know what we’re doing. We need the documentation to back up what we’re doing.”