Welshpool’s Motte and Bailey site has been subjected to “severe vandalism” according to a report by the town’s operations manager.

At a meeting of the town council’s services and property committee on Wednesday, June 19, operations manager Paul McGrath reported to the council that the now empty Motte and Bailey site had been vandalised.

As town councillors are still considering a way forward with how they manage the historic site, Mr McGrath delivered some “bad news” about the area as part of his report on works and maintenance being carried out on town council grounds.


He said: “We’ve recently found that the Motte and Bailey site has been vandalised severely.

“It’s currently stood empty, but we’ve found that the fencing inside and around the site has been kicked down.

“It seems now that some people in the area have realised the site is empty, they’ve jumped at the chance to break in and we have got no way to police it.”

In May, the lease for the area was taken on by the owner of Welshpool based business Willow's Walks and Dog Services, who used the area for dog training.

Mr McGrath added: “We were hoping that someone using the space would deter vandalism or break ins but it’s stood empty for long enough now that it seems it’s not enough.

"It might be going to rack and ruin now I’m afraid.”