Growing calls are being made for Montgomeryshire Craig Williams to be suspended from the ballot in the general election.

The calls come after further revelations that two other major Conservative figures are being investigated by the Gambling Commission, along with Mr Williams, over potential bets made on the date of the general election.

According to reports Conservative candidate for Bristol North West, Laura Saunders is facing a Gambling Commission investigation into alleged betting offences as is her husband, the Conservative Party’s director of campaigning Tony Lee.

A Downing Street Police Officer is also being investigated by the commission and was arrested by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of misconduct in public office, and subsequently bailed.

Labour Leader Keir Starmer has called for the candidates to be suspended from running.

“If it was one of my candidates, they’d be gone and their feet would not have touched the floor," Sir Keri said.

“However many people already have been identified as potentially involved in this – but I’m hearing the news that there may be more – but the Government, Rishi Sunak, just needs to take action.

“He needs to account for exactly who knew what.

“But, also, when you’ve got a candidate standing for an election in two weeks who’s involved in this, they’ve got to go. They’ve got to be suspended. And I don’t know why he hasn’t done that.

“I think it is a real measure of his leadership – or lack of leadership.”

READ MORE: Ex-MP Lord Carlile calls on Craig Williams to explain election bet

Labour campaign director Pat Mcfadden has written to the Prime Minister calling for an investigation into the allegations and the suspension of the candidates.

In his letter, he said: “If some of your most senior colleagues felt they had carte blanche to misuse the inside information they had on the election in order to make a profit, we must ask how many others had advance access to the same information, and placed bets either by themselves, or through their friends and family?


“If you take the correct action now concerning Mr Williams and Ms Saunders – to ensure consistency with the treatment of your close protection officer – will you guarantee that anyone else who it emerges placed bets on the timing of the general election, whether in their own name or through a third party, will also be suspended?”

He added: “No-one is above the law and it is essential that the taint of corruption now surrounding the behaviour of some who may have known about the election date is properly investigated and punished.”

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The Liberal Democrats have again called for Mr Williams to be suspended and called on Rishi Sunak “find his backbone”.

Deputy leader Daisy Cooper said: “It would be an utter disgrace if Conservative politicians were shown to be more focused on turning a quick buck rather than the needs of the country.

“The Conservative party has proven itself utterly unfit for office. Voters are sick to the back teeth of this endless carousel of chaos, sleaze and scandal.

Montgomeryshire candidate for Reform UK, Oliver Lewis said: “Craig Williams MP must cease active campaigning and have the endorsement he is receiving from the Conservative Party removed until criminal investigations are completed.”