THE case of two Romanian men accused of stealing items from separate locations in Powys has been delayed by a few weeks after neither of them turned up to court this week.

Gheorghita Moscaloiu and Alexandru Cioina were both due to appear at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, June 19.

Moscaloiu, 25, and Cioina, 23, are jointly accused stealing four car wheels, valued at £800, from an address on Afon Way, Llandrindod Wells, on December 17, 2022.

Both men are also accused of stealing an amount of window related parts, of a value unknown, from an address in Broad Street, Knighton, on the same day.


Magistrates this week heard that Moscaloiu, of Starbank Road, Birmingham, had not received a court summons as it had been sent to the wrong address.

In relation to Cioina, the court was told he is now back in Romania, having returned home shortly after these dates, and that a warrant may be required for his arrest.

Magistrates agreed to adjourn the case for two weeks. Progress is expected to be made at the next hearing on July 3.