A Powys resident is set to climb Yr Wyddfa in memory of her late sister, to raise money for the charity which helped them both.

Jan Davies, the ladies captain of Llandrindod Wells Golf Club, will take on the Marie Curie Night Walk this month, along with her niece, Becky, and Christine, a close friend of her sister, Chris.

Their initial goal was to collect £1,000 for the end of life support charity, but they have already raised £1,600.

Ms Davies expressed her admiration for the care Marie Curie had given to Chris, her younger sister, during her battle with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer that had spread to her liver and bile duct.

She said: "The disbelief and devastation we all felt was unfathomable.

"Pancreatic Cancer is so deadly because it so often doesn’t become apparent until it is too late."

Jan is taking on the challenge   (Image: Marie Curie)

After travelling from Wales to Yorkshire to care for Chris, Ms Davies experienced first-hand the support that Marie Curie offered.

"Chris began going downhill quickly.

"The support services were brilliant and organised a hospital bed etc for Chris at home," recalled Ms Davies.

Chris passed away last year   (Image: Marie Curie)

On April 20, when told of Chris's limited time, Ms Davies was determined to ensure that her sister was never alone, resulting in sleepless nights for her and Becky until the call from Marie Curie.

She recalled: "I’d heard of Marie Curie but knew little about the charity.

"The lovely coordinator told me that she could organise a Marie Curie Nurse to come and stay up with Chris through the night that night - I was completely taken aback.

"Kay came just before 10pm. She was so lovely and Becky and I could get some sleep knowing that Chris was being taken care of and that Kay would wake us if needed."

Chris peacefully passed away on April 24, with her friends and family around her.

Later Ms Davies decided that Marie Curie would be her charity of the year.

Describing her sister as "incredibly kind and caring", she aims to raise funds "to enable more people to have that crucial, incredible support that made such a huge difference to us towards the end of Chris’s life".

To donate to Ms Davies' worthy cause in memory of her beloved sister, you can visit www.justgiving.com/page/climbingsnowdonforchris.