A man from Guilsfield has said he is “horrified” after his sister was knocked down in a hit and run in Welshpool.

Veronica Lloyd, from Welshpool, was reportedly struck by a car on Red Bank while crossing the road, leaving her with a cracked pelvis and a blow to the back of the head.

Veronica’s brother, Martin, said that he received a call from the casualty unit at Welshpool Hospital on Monday, June 10, telling him that his sister was in their ward after being hit by a car earlier at 10am.

He said: “I was horrified to hear what had happened. Veronica told me that as she was walking through town, going along the bottom of Red Bank, she was knocked into the road by a car.

"She was then pulled to the pavement by the driver, who then immediately drove off.


“She was left injured, dazed and confused. She ended up in Welshpool at a coffee shop, where she was advised to get help by people who could clearly see she was in distress.

“She then walked from there to Welshpool Hospital, who then contacted me to let me know what had happened and that she needed to be taken to Shrewsbury Hospital.

“At Shrewsbury she received a CT scan for a haematoma and was discharged at 5pm. But the next morning she was still in a lot of pain and ended up being taken back to Shrewsbury, by ambulance this time, where they found she also had a cracked pelvis.”

Dyfed Powys Police confirmed that they had received a report on Monday regarding a woman being hit by a car on Red Bank, Welshpool.

They said: “The collision occurred at about 10am and involved a car and a pedestrian. The female pedestrian attended hospital for treatment. The car is described as a large red car driven by a female who did stop but no details were exchanged.”

Mr Lloyd added: “She’s complained to services about the speed of vehicles along that road several times after a few near misses over the years.

County Times:

“I can’t help worrying about what if we had lost her. A doctor at Shrewsbury told us she was lucky to be alive. But if we had would that person who hit her still have driven off like nothing had happened?

“I regularly travel to Welshpool and I’ve noticed a real issue with speed there. I’ve seen people go down that stretch of road and clip mirrors and have near misses.

"Meanwhile, people of all ages are trying to cross at the bottom of the road. It was only a matter of time before something happened.”

Police are making enquiries into the incident, and are encouraging anyone who witnessed the collision or with information that could help officers with their investigation to report it to Dyfed Powys Police.