POLICE are searching for criminals behind a dawn raid on a Powys supermarket on Tuesday morning, smashing through the wall and leaving a trail of destruction behind them

Talgarth’s Co-op store sustained serious damage in the early hours of Tuesday as raiders smashed through the building with a forklift – which is itself believed to have been stolen.

Local reports indicate that the Co-op’s cash machine was stolen in the raid, although this has not been officially confirmed by police. The store is likely to remain closed for some time.

“While there is shock in the local community at these violent events, it is a mercy that no-one was injured in the raid,” said Talgarth county councillor William Powell.


“Clearly, there will be major consequences for the local population without access to the shop and its services for some time to come.

“However, for now my thoughts are with the Coop store manager Will Lloyd and his staff as they come to terms with this, as well as to the residential neighbours, some of them elderly, who were so rudely awaken in the small hours by this criminal act.

“In addition, there was some apprehension from Ysgol y Mynydd Du pupils as they passed by on their way to school this morning.

“Special praise is due to Dyfed-Powys Police for their swift response with dog patrols, drone technology and the deployment of the NPAS Police Helicopter.

 Severe damage was caused to the Hay Road store.Severe damage was caused to the Hay Road store. (Image: Kirby Dean Richards)

 Talgarth Co-op store manager William Lloyd looks across at the devastation following the early morning raid.Talgarth Co-op store manager William Lloyd looks across at the devastation following the early morning raid. (Image: Ann Seymour Photography)

“The criminals involved in this outrage need to be detained and must feel the full force of the law, for what they have down to our peaceful and special community.”

Images on social media captured the devastation caused by the incident, with the building’s shutter doors smashed through and severe damage caused to brickwork.

“What dreadful news and what a terrible situation for Will and the staff, as well as people living nearby who must feel very upset about this awful act of violence in our town,” said local resident Chris Green in a post on the Talgarth Community Page.

“Love or hate the Co-op, it provides jobs for people, a post office, cash-point and added to the shopping choices in Talgarth. A sad day indeed.”

The Hay Road premises is brand new, having only opened at the location last September. The Co-op store relocated to what was a former Powys County Council highways depot on the edge of town, which had previously spent years derelict, from its previous location.

Dyfed Powys Police has been contacted for comment.