Llanfair Caereinion Town Council is set to consider a review of 20mph zones around the area to recommend potential changes to the speed limits.

The town council in Llanfair Caereinion will be the 20mph areas of the town introduced by Welsh Government over the past few months and to recommend any changes that the councils would be beneficial to the town at their next meeting on Monday, June 24.

Llanfair council’s report will be part of an effort to “work in partnership with councils to deliver targeted change to the 20mph implementation”, outlined by Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport, Ken Skates in April.


The move to a 20pmh default speed limit for built up areas proved to be controversial, leading to an online petition to the Senedd calling for the law changed that garnered over 400,000 signatures and incidents of civil disobedience and vandalism of the new 20mph signs, including one in Welshpool.

Speed limit sign vandalism in Welshpool. (Image: Josh Price)

Mid Wales politicians voiced opposition to the changes, such as Montgomeryshire MS, Russell George, who said: “Hundreds of concerns raised with me. I voted against this legislation, but apart from just having a different view to the Welsh government on this, just angry with the cost and wider impact.

“20mph is suitable in many places such as outside schools, I have myself supported local campaigners on individual cases. I’m opposed and voted against this legislation  and blanket approach.”

Earlier this year, Deputy Minister for Climate Change Lee Waters penned a letter encouraging councils to contribute to addressing the proposed reviews of the 20mph default speed limit and any possible exceptions to the law.

He said: “The Welsh Government has appointed a small team to undertake a review of the application of guidance given to highway authorities in setting exceptions to the default 20mph limit.

“The team will engage with local authority cabinet members and other key stakeholders, as well as representatives of industries affected by the speed limit changes, including bus operators and regional bus service planning teams.

“The team, together with the Welsh Government, will offer support to local authorities where they are keen to rapidly consider changes to roads where the decision between a 20mph and 30mph speed limit is less clear cut.

“The team will prepare a final report, accompanied by draft updated guidance on setting the speed limits in settlements affected by the 20mph default speed limit and exceptions.

“The report and draft updated guidance will be submitted to the Welsh Government by the Summer Recess 2024.”