I understand that Powys County Council, in its wisdom, has decided to mark many roads in residential areas in the town with double yellow lies. Wonderful!

Less cars and vans clogging up our town – in theory such a great idea, but where are the affected residents going to now park their cars... where?

The councillors who voted in this ludicrous idea more than likely have driveways for their own vehicles or possibly live very close to a free to park car park, so haven’t got a clue.

Unfortunately, many car owners don’t enjoy such luxury of possessing car parking facilities on their own land.

READ MORE: New parking and waiting rules to arrive in Llanidloes

So as these new parking restrictions now seem to be set in stone, I would suggest that Powys puts a large notice either side of Llani’s by-pass....”VISITORS BEWARE THERE IS ONLY ONE FREE CAR PARK IN THIS TOWN AND THIS WILL BE FULL TO BURSTING BY LOCALS PARKING THEIR OWN VEHICLES THERE, SO THERE’S NO ROOM FOR YOU....VERY SORRY PLEASE DRIVE ON TO THE NEXT TOWN”. 

Of course if the visitor only wishes to quickly pop into Llani to buy a newspaper for example, then it will only cost £2.50 in the Mount Street car park for the privilege.  

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Also, I was told yesterday by an employee of a shop in Longbridge Street that she recently witnessed a car pull up outside the shop, the elderly driver, not a local, struggled to get out of the back of his car his wife’s wheelchair and then helped her into it.

He was about to then move the car to find a legal parking space when a traffic warden booked him.

He remonstrated that he did not intend parking there, but the traffic warden continued to issue the ticket regardless.

That couple won’t be returning here any time soon.

This is the sort of town Llani has become, so please don’t bother to stop and browse in our shops nor consider stopping for lunch here... you’re no longer welcome.

“Thoroughly Cheesed-Off & Disgruntled Idloesian”
Name and address supplied