A MAN accused of inflicting grievous bodily harm on a Powys man two years ago is scheduled to finally enter a plea to the matter at the end of the month.

James Dimaio, 35, is jointly accused with Joshua Davies, 19, of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Paul McCarley in Rhayader on June 28, 2022.

An arrest warrant was issued for Dimaio, of no fixed abode, after he failed to appear at an initial hearing at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court in April.

Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court heard on Friday, June 14, that Dimaio is currently on remand at HMP Peterborough, while he also faces a drugs charge relating to the Northampton area, where he is from.

County Times:

At Friday’s hearing, Will Forber-Heyward, representing Dimaio in the Northampton matter, said there had been issues over representation for Dimaio in relation to the Rhayader charge.

Judge Kember said on Friday that the Northampton case, which is an allegation of possession with intent to supply a Class B drug, would be transferred to link up with the GBH charge.

He adjourned the matter for two weeks, until June 28, at which point Dimaio is expected to attend.