A Welshpool town councillor said he was “despondent” over the lack of response to plans to repair a footbridge over the town’s canal.

Welshpool Town Council wants to hold an event on the canal to raise funds for a new footbridge over the waterway, but efforts to appeal to local companies for help with funding the project have reportedly received no support.

Cllr Nick Howells told the council at their events and tourism committee meeting on Wednesday, June 12, that a letter he drafted to appeal for funding to renovate the footbridge on Berriew Road crossing Welshpool’s canal.

Cllr Howells said: “I have been heavily involved with this for the past 15 months, having attended lots and lots of meetings with the relevant bodies, such as Powys County Council or the Canal and Rivers Trust, but no one wanted to take ownership.


“After liaising with Paul McGrath, our operations manager, over the last few months we’ve had an interim repair job to make it safe.

“On the mayor’s request, I drafted a letter and requested corporate sponsorship from major companies around Welshpool. Quite despondent that I’ve basically had no response.

“I’m a bit upset about it really but over to the events committee to try and raise some money.”

Temporary repairs were carried out in May 2024, with broken treads on the bridge being replaced to make it structurally safe, after an inspection described the surface as “in a serious state of dilapidation”.

It was the second time during the last 12 months that the bridge needed emergency repairs, after it was temporarily closed off in June 2023 to fix some broken wooden panels.

The state of the bridge has been criticised by some residents for its deteriorating condition, with broken wooden panels highlighting the lack of maintenance, as well as the general accessibility of a bridge that is proving difficult to navigate for people with mobility issues.

Welshpool mayor Cllr Phil Owen said: “I’m sorry to hear that, as I know Nick went to a lot of trouble over that and I’m hugely disappointed we’re not getting more support.

“It’s not out of the question someone will offer support but if not then it’s back to us to try and raise the money.”

Councillors proposed organising a working party to put forward ideas for events that could help the council raise the estimated £12,000 needed to fully renovate the bridge.