The first Newtown Carnival this decade saw hundreds of people pack the town centre for a fun-filled day which saw a colourful procession through the town following Queen Isobelle Jones and visiting queens from neighbouring towns.

Organisers praised everyone for supporting the event which returned to Newtown for the first time in more than four years on Saturday, June 8.

But they have warned that the carnival can only continue with funding and committed volunteers.

“It gets harder and more expensive to put this event on every year,” chairperson Jen Reynolds said.

Newtown's Broad Street was packed with people watching the carnival floats. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

Maldwyn Nursery had fun on their Newtown Carnival float. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

One of the Newtown Carnival Queen attendants waving to the crowd. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

"We would like to hear off anyone that would like to get more involved, we need a lot more help to put it on next year."

Maldwyn Nursery ‘s animal themed float won the Dennis Taylor Cup, and the Knit and Natter lorry was named overall winner in their category. Hill Brothers Transport scooped the Glynn Morgan 2.5 Million miles accident free trophy, the Severn Trophies Cup went to The Old Liquorice Allsorts, the Monty Club Cup went to Grease and the Memorial Cup was won by Bryan Rees and jack Blayney as King Charles and mascot.

Newtown's Footloose Dance Group won first place in their category. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times) Newtown Cricket Club won second place for their float. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

Maldwyn Nursery won the top prize for their Newtown Carnival float. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times) Llanidloes Carnival queen's attendants wave to the crowd. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times) Newtown carnival queen Isobelle and her attendants. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

“What a fantastic turnout for the carnival,” Jen added.

“It was great to see so many people lining the route. Hopefully there were lots of money in the collection buckets with costs rising especially if we want it to return.

“Thank you to the judges, and also to the marshals en-route who kept everyone safe and the parade moving with the Newtown Silver Band leading followed by a fire engine and rescue truck.

Newtown Silver Band led the parade at the carnival. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times) Rhayader Carnival queen Freya at Newtown Carnival. (Image: Anwen Parry/County Times)

“Fraithwen Friesians kindly carried our president Mai Jones and young Peter, the crown bearer, in their horse and trap.

“The parade followed our Carnival Queen elect Isobelle Jones, Llanidloes Queen 2023 and Rhayader Queen 2023 and then all our float and pedestrian entries.

“The field was packed and lots of stalls, food, bar, local acts showing us what they do all afternoon aided by Tony Rowley who kept us going with his usual banter and games.

“Mark and Zoey Holmes Funfair, donkeys, lamas, and model train rides kept the children entertained.

“Thanks go to Bronwen and Cheryl, from The Dressmakers Daughter, who have helped us out over the years and for crowning our Queen Isobelle.

“Thanks to M & I Vehicle Hire for donating the van and also to Rob and Danny donating their time and a pick up.

“Thanks also to all the people that volunteered to help out as marshals. The list is endless, so I thank everyone that was involved.

“The lorry drivers on the floats gave their time on the day for free and were very helpful. We are eternally grateful to Greg Davies who every year helps source lorries for us.”

“Thank you to the Town Council for your grant.”

The carnival quiz at the Waggon and Horses in Newtown on Sunday, June 16, has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.