LADIES of Nantmel WI enjoyed remarkable success at the county show last month, achieving the club’s best result in its 60-year history.

The show proved to be very successful for the club based near Llandrindod Wells, who won several awards, including the County Shield, which crowned them overall winners.

The Powys Radnor Federation of WIs held its annual county show of art, craft and produce on Saturday, May 18. 

The Morgan & Co Cup, awarded to the WI with the most points in classes 1, 2a, 3, 4 combined, went to the ladies of Nantmel, as did the Joan Lewis Memorial Shield, awarded to the WI with highest marks in the art section.

The Yvonne Mills Bowl, awarded for the highest marks in the photography section, was also claimed by Nantmel, in addition to the Millennium Trophy, awarded to the winning small table display; this was shared with Chatterbrook WI.

Last, but certainly not least, Nantmel won the County Shield, awarded to the WI achieving the highest total of marks combined.

A stunning achievement, surely the best result for Nantmel WI in its almost 60-year history.