Here we are again I hear you say, politicians arguing amongst themselves, throwing acquisitions back and forth, writes cllr Elwyn Vaughan.

Labour blaming Tory and vice versa whilst many say enough is enough and switch off totally.

But there are important questions that need answering. Important services that need support. But we also need a positive vision for the future. One that gives hope over negativity. One that is rooted in our communities, one that unites rather than causes division. One that supports our young people with work and housing.


We’ve seen the Westminster Tories cut Welsh farm funding £243m since Brexit

• Undercut our farmers through Trade Deals with Australia and New Zealand

• Allow supermarkets to rake in profits while farmers get a pittance

• Tories supported a Bill allowing lower food standards undermining our food production

• Liz Truss bonkers budget caused high inflation, interest rates and input costs for everyone

That’s why it’s imperative more than ever we think again about the future economic prospects for our rural communities. Have a positive vision based on :

• Emphasis on adding value

• Promoting Indigenous enterprise

• Facilitating Diversification

• Creating new opportunities

• Innovation

• Skills development

We need to emphasise the development of indigenous talent. Have control over our assets, maximise the potential benefit to the area, and on keeping money in the local economy. That’s why we need:

1. A Rural enterprise agency

2. Create a food innovation centre promoting new ideas and enterprises

3. Increase local food as part of public procurement

4. Rejuvenate the Sense of Place initiative using local food and drink, culture and environment as a USP in the tourism sector

5. Deliver on the promised £243m agri funds

6. Deliver the £4bn HS2 funding due to Wales

7. Devolve the Crown Estate and create a wealth fund using resources from our wind and water resources to invest for a sustainable future

We need someone that will stand up for Montgomeryshire Glyndwr in Westminster not be Westminster’s puppet in Montgomeryshire Glyndwr. An experienced community champion putting people first.

Whatever you think of the election coverage and politicians, remember those that fought, and those that still are in parts of the world, for the right to vote so let’s make the most of this democratic opportunity and share a positive future.