I have received, on paper, in an envelope and through the post – a terrible waste of valuable resources and energy – a letter from our erstwhile MP, Fay Jones, who hopes to be re-elected.

This letter is entitled the Future of our Country, although I am not sure we live in the same country, from her description. 

Obviously the letter was not written by her but she has signed it so must agree with its contents. 

The language used manages to be both snide and aggressive, talking of “smashing the model of the illegal people smugglers and criminal gangs”; “lefty lawyers like Sir Keir Starmer” (obviously in this context ‘lefty’ is meant as an insult), and sneering at the Welsh government’s plan to make Wales into a nation of sanctuary. 


The Conservatives clearly have a very low opinion of the British public if they think that this will win votes.

They have spent millions of pounds forcing through the Rwanda Bill, money that could have been spent on for example, restoring the NHS. 

Unfortunately, as ministers have already pointed out, the Bill is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights, to which, despite Brexit, we are legally bound. 

Effectively, this criminalises anyone who tries to enforce the bill – not the refugees, who will continue to win their asylum claims because judges still, thankfully, want to comply with human rights law. 

The Conservatives are in denial of this and believe they can ignore human rights law for their own convenience. Whoever wrote this letter should be ashamed of themselves.
Camilla Saunders, Knucklas