Having watched the ITV election debate I’m stunned. 

The Tory attack line that Labour will cost you an extra £2,000 in tax has been debunked by the very people that they claim calculated the figures (The Treasury) and is instead based on figures plucked out of thin air by Tory special advisors. 


So while we live with the highest tax burden since WW2, the NHS on its knees, services gutted and the worst drop in living standards in history, the party of “integrity, professionalism and accountability” have, instead of debating their own record, taken to inventing scare stories about the opposition in the hope that we’re too dim to fact check them. 

If anyone still harbours the belief that the Tories are in this business for anything other than their own seat on the gravy train, it’s time to wake up, look around, and start saying what you see... 14 years of Tory failure.
Alan, Llandrindod Wells