The team at BBC’s Springwatch paid a visit to Machynlleth to present a wildlife volunteer with a 2024 Wildlife Hero Award.

Sally Woof, an 80-year-old long-standing volunteer with various wildlife causes throughout Machynlleth, was named as the winner of Springwatch’s 2024 Wildlife Hero Award for over 18s and was featured in an episode of the programme as presenter Michaela Strachan handed her the award.

The Springwatch team presented the award to Sally at Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens, which they described as “just one of the places our winner can be found toiling for nature”.

On winning the award, she said: “It’s terribly exciting. I had to tell everyone. I was thrilled to bits to have won and very flattered but it’s all a bit alien to me.


“It’s such a shock, the penny still hasn’t dropped yet.

“I love being outside, out in the countryside, and just doing something for nature. Whatever you can do, we’ve only got one short life, we have to contribute as much as we possibly can to keep it going.”

Judges Jim Moir and Dr Amir Kahn selected a winner from 32 finalists, recognising each one as inspirational people who have dedicated their time to helping wildlife.

When reviewing the finalists, Dr Kahn described 80-year-old Sally as “an unstoppable force dedicated to helping wildlife”.

Finalists were judged based on written nominations, and Sally’s said: “You can often see her marching back through the town after a hard day’s work covered in mud. She quietly works on her projects and is driven by her passion. Wasting nothing, nurturing everything.”

Fern Towers, from Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens, who nominated Sally for the award, said: “I nominated her because she is so humble, I think she’s got no idea of the impact she’s had.

“Sally is probably our most dedicated volunteer. She’ll be here come rain or shine, even when we have to close the sessions because it’s not safe because it’s icy or snowy, she’ll be like ‘come on let’s go and do some gardening’.

“She’s planted so many trees over her time, nurtured so many habitats in an interesting way. Her approach to gardening is quite unique.  

“She’s spent all of her retirement working either here or on other sites, working a five day week for wildlife.”

The episode featuring Sally was broadcast on June 5 and can currently be watched on BBC iPlayer.