A man has been jailed for 14 years for grooming and raping a young girl in Welshpool.

Benjamin Sidwell, 36, was convicted of two counts of rape, two counts of non-penetrative sexual activity, two counts of sexual assault by touching and one count of sexual assault by penetration following a trial in April.

During sentencing at Mold Crown Court on Thursday, June 6, Judge Niclas Parry said Sidwell groomed the girl for his "own sexual gratification in a persistent and devious way".

"There was no doubt that she was a troubled child and there is no doubt she was targeted because she could be manipulated," he said.

"The victim had to relive embarrassing details which were clearly to all in court an ordeal for her.

"It was grooming behaviour which was so obvious in the lead up.

"You have shown absolutely no remorse, and you continue to blame your young victim."


In a statement read out on the girl's behalf, she said it had "shocked me more than anything", describing what Sidwell did to her was "weird".

"It was nice that the court believed what I told the police," she said.

Prosecuting barrister Gareth Bellis told the court that Sidwell had been messaging the young girl through Snapchat, a popular social media app where messages disappear after they're viewed, "indicating that he wanted sex".

A few weeks later, the girl received another message from Sidwell asking her to take her clothes off. She refused, but then Sidwell approached her, pulled her to the floor and raped her, the court heard.

The alarm was raised after another incident a few days later, when Sidwell was seen touching the young girl in an intimate area, "with his head tilted looking like he was going to kiss her".

Mr Bellis told the court: "The victim said she was scared and that the defendant told her not to tell anyone."

He added: "There was a lack of stability in her personal life. He was fully aware of the issues. He groomed her for his own sexual gratification".

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Sidwell, of Lewis Crescent, Wellington, Telford, appeared in court via video link from HMP Berwyn and was supported in court by his mother and fiancée.

The judge told Sidwell, who had no previous convictions, that "mercifully" the offences were committed over a "very short period of time".

The judge added that a special sentence would "adequately protect the public and reflect the gravity of the case".

Sidwell was told he must serve two thirds of his 14-year sentence before he is considered for release from prison on licence.

He was also made subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order which includes a ban on staying in a place where there is a girl under 16 unless the parents and guardians are aware of the circumstances, and social services approve.