A POWYS firefighter is retiring at the end of June following 36 years of dedicated service to his local area.

David ‘Spider’ Christopher is the crew manager at Presteigne Fire Station and will be hanging up his hose and helmet when he turns 55 at the end of the month.

Having joined the station as a teenager back in 1988, David plans to spend more time with his family and fishing – even though his colleagues say he's not very good at the latter!

A spokesperson for the station said: “Spider has seen a lot of changes during his time in the brigade, with his first appliance being drawn by horses!


“In all seriousness though he's going to be a huge miss to the station. His knowledge and experience can't be replaced.

“Spider is also a huge advocate for mental health and (he) has been very open in talking about his own issues, and encourages anyone struggling to speak about any issues as the support he has received has been incredible and really helped him move forward.”

David is married to Tracey and the couple have two children, Beverley and Luke, who also have children of their own.

“He is planning on spending more time with his family and fishing when he's retired (he's not very good at fishing though),” added the spokesperson.

“He's obviously seen huge changes within the brigade going from Powys to Mid and West Wales. He's also a huge advocate for mental health.”

Having joined way back in 1988, David has always been stationed in Presteigne.

With David retiring and the area losing such an experienced firefighter, Presteigne Fire Station says now is a perfect time to apply to join them.

The station spokesperson added: “On a final note, if anyone has any interest in joining the station please message the station page or get in contact with a crew member and they will be able to give you more information on what to expect before committing to making a formal application.”

If you’re keen on joining, visit the station, based at Harpers Lane, Presteigne, contact 0370 6060699, email mail@mawwfire.gov.uk or get in touch via the Presteigne Fire Station Facebook page.