A POWYS charity that hopes to save another by purchasing the building the under threat organisation currently owns, is urging residents to fill in a survey in a bid to help obtain funding.

Mid and North Powys Mind is on the search for a new home as their current HQ in Llandrindod Wells has been described as “wholly inadequate”, with central heating and damp causing issues.

In March, Mind floated the possibility of purchasing the spa town’s dance centre, located on Arlais Road, and home of dance charity Impelo – who had been planning to close due to the loss of multi-year arts funding, as well as the escalating cost of living situation.

Mind is currently in the process of completing an application to the Community Facilities Fund to help make the dream of co-locating with Impelo at the dance centre a reality. 


“The application, if successful, will help us renovate the building including works around energy efficiency, repairs and making the space suitable for the clients of both organisations,” said a spokesperson for Mind.

“We had an amazing 380 people complete our online community survey but would hugely appreciate it if the other organisations we work with could also complete the organisational survey, if you have not already done so. 

“Please show your support for the project and keeping the dance centre in community use by completing our brief questionnaire.”

Impelo, which provides community outreach classes throughout Powys, said the original decision to close at the end of March had been a difficult one.

Mind said it would like to purchase the Impelo dance centre in exchange for being allowed to move in.

Draft plans for the dance centre went on show to spa town residents at an open day held at Mind’s South Crescent HQ on March 21.

“In the wake of this awful news about Impelo’s funding comes a rare opportunity for our two organisations to have a firm foundation for the future, a place for the community to be welcomed and for us to thrive,” Cat Nunn, chair of Mid and North Powys Mind, had said in March.

“It’s exciting to imagine a building in Llandrindod where these two charities could call home.”

Jemma Thomas, artistic director and joint CEO of Impelo, said: “The proposal from Mid and North Powys Mind presents an incredible opportunity for us to retain our studio space and continue to support our dance communities, while co-habiting with an organisation whose values are so aligned with our own.”

Impelo announced in December that its multi-year funding from the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) was being withdrawn – with multiple organisations and venues across Wales also hit.

It was claimed the impact of cuts across artforms on those living in Powys amounted to a reduction in investment of almost £250,000.

As a result, the much-loved dance charity has been forced to decrease services, reduce core staff and temporarily close the dance centre, with a view to putting it up for sale.

They were given a shot in the arm in May when Powys County Council announced Impelo would receive over £100,000 from a grant funding programme created to support creative industries in the county.

Fill in the Mind questionnaire at t.ly/Y3qUa. If you wish to help this project further, Mind would also gratefully receive any letters of support, via email or post.