Plans to extend to a sausage factory in Welshpool have been rejected by Powys County Council.

A proposal concerning the layout of Welshpool Sausage Factory on Foundry Lane, which involved building an extension to replace an existing lean-to and free-standing building to form a more efficient chiller for the business, has been refused by the council.

The decision comes after several months of consideration, with the planning application having been submitted in January and the council reaching a verdict on June 3.

The application stated: “Having a more efficient storage building which will coordinate with the existing freezer and chiller, will undoubtedly improve the workings of the business, and its appearance.”


However, Powys Council refused to grant permission for the proposed development, citing an issue with the highway access.

In their decision, Powys Council said: “In pursuance of its powers under the above-mentioned Act and Order Powys County Council as local planning authority hereby gives you notice that Full Planning Permission is refused for the development.

“The proposed development does not meet highway access, parking and commercial operational area requirements and would have a detrimental impact upon the safe use of the highway network, contrary to the requirements of Powys Local Development Plan.”

The proposal gained some support from members of Welshpool Town Council’s planning committee expressed support for the application, but some councillors noted complaints they had received from residents in the area.

Cllr Dave France said: “I have heard a few complaints from people located near to the factory regarding noise and disturbed sleep. Seeing this proposal, I fear this may add more noise pollution to the area than what is already being experienced.

“Having looked at the forms associated with this proposal, I do not see the noise pollution aspect having been taken seriously.

"It seems to breeze through it and argue there isn’t any, which may end up not being true.

“In terms of what are we here for and what are we consulted on. We are here to represent people of the town and we have had residents complain about noise, specifically from that factory, so we should in some way respond to the complaints raised by residents we represent.”