A historic railway in Llanfair is making a push to recruit more volunteers as the line heads into its summer season.

With several events and special trains planned for the summer, the Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway has made a call for potential volunteers to help run the railway.

The railway’s volunteers work to ensure that the trains can run, the stations are well looked after and that visitors are properly catered for during their trip on the line.

Describing their volunteer process, a spokesperson for the railway said: “Our friendly team is always keen to welcome new people, regardless of skills or experience. There are plenty of tasks and roles which you can help us with, including many outside of the railway’s day to day operations.


“No prior experience is required as our team will be able to provide you with all the skills and training you need to safely and successfully undertake your role. You don’t need to be a keen railway enthusiast either; volunteering is about more than just the trains, it’s the social life, the skills gained, and the experiences had.”

Some of the potential volunteer roles the railway has highlighted include serving as the line’s shopkeeper, station master, guard, blockman or fireman.

Last year, one of the railway’s longest serving volunteers, Tony Thorndike, retired after 55 years of working as guard on the line.

During his time volunteering for the railway, Mr Thorndike has also served as a fireman, director, trustee and negotiator for the historic railway, filling a range of roles over his six decades of volunteering.

His work on the railway was described by general manager James Brett as “The epitome of how much heritage lines rely on their versatile volunteers. He's done everything from serving many years on the board of Trustees to being the man in the red suit at the line's Santa Specials.

“Tony’s decades of service for this railway have been a vital part of why the line has been treasured by so many over the past 55 years and why it is such a beloved community.”

Writing on social media about their voluntary roles, the railway added: “Volunteering at the Welshpool and Llanfair light railway is unlike any other volunteering organisation in the area! Enjoyable, rewarding, and make new friends in this beautiful part of Wales.”