A dominoes tournament organised in Welshpool was able to raise more than £400 for Parkinson’s UK.

Members of Welshpool Domino Club presented representatives from Parkinson’s UK with a cheque for £419, raised from the club’s initiative to hold a special triples tournament to raise money for the charity’s Montgomeryshire branch.

Having run charity based tournaments in years prior, the idea to make Parkinson’s UK the beneficiary of their 2024 triples tournament was raised at the club’s annual general meeting.


Having raised the money with their well attended tournament, a few club members presented Parkinson’s UK with the donation at Welshpool Town Hall

Club treasurer Kieth Lewis, match secretary John Harding, club secretary Ian Jones and chairman Les Owen, handed over the cheque to Parkinson’s UK representatives Gwyneth Evans and Cindy Jones, who thanked the club for their fundraising efforts.

Mr Harding said: “We’ve run a triples tournament for several years now, with the aim of raising money for a worthy local cause. We picked Parkinson’s UK for this year’s effort and were delighted to have raised £419 for the charity.”

The charity offers support to people living with Parkisnon’s disease, as well as funding research into possible treatments and cures for the condition.